
Scientific Linux [distrowatch.com]

Troy Dawson has announced that the second alpha release of Scientific Linux 6.1, a distribution built by compiling the source packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1, is ready for testing: "The second alpha release for Scientific Linux 6.1 has been released. All of the packages have gone through much more testing. There are still a couple of packages we are investigating, so we are still in alpha stage and not beta stage. Changes alpha 1: redhat-logos - updated syslinux-splash.png and plash.xpm.gz, added the SVG files into the source tar ball; yum-autoupdate - fix a security issue with the tmp configuration files; added our changes to the updated report and plymouth package; mksh - we got it to compile; fence-virt - had to be recompiled with the old qmf packages removed from the repository; elrepo-release updated to the latest version...." See the release announcement for more details. Download: SL-6-i386-2011-06-23-Install-DVD.iso (3,609MB, SHA1), SL-6-x86_64-2011-06-23-Install-DVD.iso (4,187MB, SHA1).

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